Stand Against the South Coast Marine Park

Say NO to the South Coast Marine Park

Over 90% of people who responded to my survey said they DO NOT support South Coast Marine Park in its current form.

This proposed park threatens the livelihoods of our commercial fishers, leading to potential economic and social disruption in our coastal communities

The marine park will also impact and limit recreational fishing.

The State Government has not conducted a thorough analysis of the social and economic impacts, raising serious concerns about the transparency and fairness of this decision-making process.

Join me in making a difference.

Stand with me to protect our coastal way of life and ensure that your voice is heard.

Sign the petition below and say NO to the South Coast Marine Park.

Petition in relation to the South Coast Marine Park.

To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned ...

request that the Legislative Council urge the State Government to:

  1. Formally acknowledge our deep concern regarding the devastating impact the planned south coast marine park will have on commercial fishers, and the tourism industry, from Eucla in the east through to Bremer Bay in the west.
  2. Recognise that State environment minister Reece Whitby has failed to adequately assess the social and economic damage that banning fishing from vast stretches of the state’s south coast will wreak on local communities;
  3. Note that thousands of people in Esperance have already rallied against the marine park;
  4. Confirm it has no plans or inclination to extend the marine park beyond its currently proposed edge of Bremer Bay, west to other recreational and commercial fishing hotspots including Albany, Denmark, Peaceful Bay, Nornalup, Walpole and Windy Harbour;
  5. Immediately withdraw its convoluted, and seemingly pre-ordained, plan to impose the south coast marine park on the recreational and commercial fishers of southern Western Australia.

And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.

3,235 signatures
Goal: 5000 signatures

Will you sign?

3,235 signatures