Update  ** 16 December 2024**

Thousands of us stood against Labor's "South Coast Marine Park" restricting recreational and commercial fishing access at Esperance. 

On the eve of the State Election, at the last sitting week in November 2024 before YOU go to the polls, they gazetted their plan despite 90% of the community being opposed to the plan.

But this may not be the end. 

There is great concern that Labor plan to extend the South Coast Marine Park further west after the election. 

That's why I'm calling on Labor to immediately rule out extending the South Coast Marine Park to ALBANY, PEACEFUL BAY, NORNALUP, WALPOLE, WINDY HARBOUR, NANNUP and AUGUSTA.

Labor have not listened to the community in Esperance but they MUST NOT DO THE SAME again.

These communities rely on recreational and commercial fishing.

We cannot have a repeat of what happened at Esperance, where the community was ignored, treated with contempt and is now stuck with the Gazetted South Coast Marine Park locking locals out from much of their coastline.

Other 3500 of us have already signed the petition. Will you join us and help grow the campaign? 

Sign the petition below and STOP Labor's Marine Park Extension.

We call on the Western Australian Government to rule out ever extending the current south coast marine park west from Bremer Bay to encompass any more of WA’s southern coastal waters.

4,095 signatures
Goal: 5000 signatures

Will you sign?

4,095 signatures